Discover Yunnan: A Journey Through China’s Diverse Wonderland

-One of the most geographically diverse and colorful provinces in China-

Yunnan, located in the southwestern part of China, is a region of breathtaking natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and incredible diversity. From its towering mountains and serene lakes to its vibrant ethnic cultures and historic towns, Yunnan offers a myriad of experiences for travelers. Here’s a guide to some of the must-see destinations and activities in this enchanting region including Kunming, Dali, Shaxi, Lijiang, and Shangri-La.

Kunming: The city of eternal spring

Stone Forest (Shilin)

Kunming, the capital of Yunnan province, is known as the “City of Eternal Spring” due to its pleasant climate year-round.


  • Stone Forest (Shilin): A UNESCO World Heritage Site, this natural wonder is a labyrinth of limestone formations that have been sculpted by wind and water over millennia.
  • Emerald Lake Park (Cuihu Park): A serene urban park perfect for a leisurely stroll, boating, or enjoying local performances and tea houses.
  • Yuantong Buddhist Temple: one of the oldest Buddhist monasteries in Kunming with a history of more than 1200 years. It is also the largest temple in Kunming.


  • Immerse in the bustling local life
  • Find inner peace and quietude strolling Yuantong temple and its lush surroundings

Dali ancient city and its surroundings: A blend of History and Natural beauty

Dali Old Town

Dali Ancient City is a well-preserved town with a rich history dating back to the 8th century. It’s renowned for its traditional Bai architecture, vibrant markets, and stunning natural surroundings.


  • Xizhou Village: is a charming Bai ethnic village known for its well-preserved traditional houses and vibrant local culture.
  • Dali Old Town: Wander through ancient streets lined with traditional Bai architecture, charming shops, and cozy cafes.
  • Three Pagodas: These iconic structures date back to the Tang Dynasty and are a testament to Dali’s long history.


  • Explore the ancient village and visit the colorful market
  • Journey to Shibaoshan Mountain for a short hike (shuttle ride option also available)

Shaxi Ancient Town: Charms of the old

Shaxi Market Square

Shaxi Ancient Town, located between Dali and Lijiang, is a hidden gem that once served as an important trading hub on the Ancient Tea Horse Road. Shaxi has retained much of its historical charm, with cobblestone streets, traditional wooden buildings, and ancient temples.


  • Wandering through the town where visitors can explore the old market square
  • Visit the Xingjiao Temple, and take in the serene beauty of the Heihui River

Lijiang: A UNESCO World Heritage Gem

Tiger Leaping Gorge

Lijiang is a city known for its well-preserved ancient town, scenic landscapes, and diverse ethnic culture. 


  • Lijiang Old Town: Famous for its ancient architecture and network of canals, this town offers a glimpse into the past with its cobbled streets and wooden buildings.
  • Black Dragon Pond Park: A picturesque park with stunning views of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.
  • Tiger Leaping Gorge:  one of the deepest and most spectacular gorges in the world.


  • Climb the 1300 steps to the upper gorge of Tiger Leaping gorge (escalator option also available)
  • Stroll through the Old town and visit Zhongyi market, where merchants sell, trade or buy fresh produce, animals and trinkets of all kinds.

Shangri-La: Gateway to Tibetan Culture

Lake Napahai

Lijiang is a city known for its well-preserved ancient town, scenic landscapes, and diverse ethnic culture. 


  • Songzanlin Tibetan Monastery: The largest monastery in Yunnan. Nicknamed the Little Potala of Yunnan, the complex comprises 13 monasteries, the most important of which are Buddha, Dharma (Buddhist law) and Sangha (monk community).
  • Lake Napahai: Home to migratory birds every year. You can discover a picturesque village next to the lake.
  • Ringha Monastery: Tibetans come here to pray before their pilgrimage to Lhasa, the capital of Tibet.


  • Enjoy a local meal with a Tibetan family
  • Stroll through the old town and visit the hilltop monastery in the center of town

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Practical Tips for Traveling in Yunnan

Black Dragon Pond

Best Time to Visit: The most favorable times to visit Yunnan are during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) when the weather is most pleasant.

Getting Around: Yunnan’s cities are well-connected by buses and trains. Additionally, domestic and international flights are available between major destinations, making travel convenient and efficient.

Cultural Etiquette: When visiting Yunnan, especially its ethnic minority areas, it’s important to respect local customs and traditions. Dress modestly and always ask for permission before photographing people.

Yunnan is a province of unparalleled beauty and cultural richness. From the urban charm of Kunming to the ancient allure of Dali, the hidden treasures of Shaxi, the scenic splendor of Lijiang, and the mystical landscapes of Shangri-La, Yunnan offers a journey of discovery that is both captivating and unforgettable. Whether you’re a history buff, nature lover, or cultural enthusiast, Yunnan has something extraordinary to offer.

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